Sunday, June 14, 2009

SACHIN TENDULKAR – When stature does not equate with height

Check out the new 'Searching for Sachin' ebook at

(Pic credit: Cover of How to Play Cricket Australian-style ed. Jim Main, Lloyd O’Neil PL Melb 1981.)

Copyright cvwilliams.


  1. thanks for posting this.
    it would be interesting to read if you post more information on sachin through lillee.

    good going!

  2. Wonderful article. Not really sure why there are so few comments. Nevertheless as some one who has been an ardent Tendulkar fan since he started playing cricket, I say this is a wonderful insight into his life. Keep it going!



  3. Not sure why comments are being blocked either, Rohit. I tried as a general reader to post a comment earlier today and it failed. Had simply wanted to say to Dolphin (see above comment)that I have more interview material from Lillee but readers will have to wait until my full biography of Sachin, expected next year. But in the meantime pleased to hear from you. Tks. CVW

  4. Great interview, Christine. It reinforces the thesis of the Trinidadian writer CLR James in 'Beyond a Boundary' (arguably the best book on sport ever written) that sport – specifically cricket – deserves to be treated as art, and great sport as great art; and that intellect is as important in sport as in any other art.
    Jeremy Gilling
